$Add_Title = "Re: pixelvision concept"; include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/include/head.phtml");?>
>>>>> "Alexander" == Alexander the Great <kanaris@bode.usc.edu> writes: Alexander> It sure does, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to pack Alexander> so many pixels (something like 128*96) at 8 bits of Alexander> resolution!! It is probably only 5 or 6 :-) It could easily be as few as 4. Pixelvision imagery looks strikingly similar to (but finer than) the 2-bit (four level) 160x200 stills I can take with my computereyes "frame grabber" on my Atari 800XL. Come to think of it, a pixelizing frame grabber for PCs would be an even better toy than a "pixel box". Alexander> The encoding uses both the frequency and amplitude Alexander> space, probably something like Trellis coding, if you Alexander> know what I'm talking about. Never seen Trellis coding, and the nearest DSP text to me doesn't mention it. Is it an analog signal compression technique? Alexander> You can pack about 8-10 bits in each audio cassette Alexander> "sample". (Based on the typical SNR figures). Don't Alexander> think about the encoding as purely "digital", i.e. only Alexander> 1s and 0s. Is the encoding of pixelvision digital or analog? Brent